TUWIM Jules – Steam… poof, phrases… move


TUWIM Jules – Steam… poof, phrases… move

Teatr Małe Mi / Poland

The playwright’s author Marta Guśniowska* with a great dose of literary sophistication and the sense of humour has combined the poems from books for children “Rany Julek” (Gee whiz, Jules) and “Tuwimowo” (Tuwimland), inspired by Julian Tuwim’s poetry and written by Agnieszka Frączek, Wanda Chotomska, Marcin Brykczyński, Michał Rusinek and others.

The show’s theme is Jules Tuwim’s childhood. Jules is an unruly boy and pretends to be a chemist, a firefighter, a magician and a lizard raiser.

He starts a journey to America and lying on a meadow he dreams of writing rhymes. The performance is complemented by the movable, constantly changing stage design, the puppets done with style based on illustrations by Katarzyna Szpilkowska and the dynamic music by Jacek BUDYŃ Szymkiewicz, the leader of „Pogodno” band. The show by “Wędrowny Teatr Lalek Małe Mi” has got the directorial support from Piotr Bikont.

Our common journey into Jules Tuwim’s childhood with paraphrasing his poetry is a great fun and boosts the imagination of young as well as adult viewers.

Marta Guśniowska * – was rewarded many times during “Konkurs na Sztukę dla Dzieci i Młodzieży” organised by „Centrum Sztuki Dziecka” in Poznań and „Konkurs na Wystawienie Sztuki Współczesnej” organised by the Polish Ministry of Culture and Teatr Narodowy. She is the 3rd prize-winner of “Zasłużony dla Kultury Gloria Artis” and the author of many plays for children, which are staged in Poland and abroad. Many theatres use the works of the young author – the laureate of numerous dramatic contests. (ASSISTEJ –Szukamy Polskiego Szekspira”).

05.10.2017 h. 10:30
Duża Scena, ul. Katedralna 18
age: show for children aged 2 – 102!
duration of performance: 45 min.
